Ritmo musical; Rítmicos; Ritmo (música); Agógica; Metro (música); Ritmicos; Ritmos; Metro (musica); Ritmo (musica); Ritmica; Rítmica; Rítmico; Células rítmicas; Ritmo compuesto
= pace, rate, rhythm, tempo, pacing.
Ex: For a storyteller preparation is like rehearsal for an orchestra; there will be passages that need emphasis, and some that need a slow pace, others that need a quickened tempo, and so on = La preparación de un narrador de cuentos es como el ensayo de una orquesta; habrá pasajes que necesiten énfasis, otros un ritmo lento, otros un ritmo acelerado, etcétera.
Ex: Whether, in the future, the co-operatives will be able to fund appropriate developments at a sufficiently rapid rate remains an unanswered question.
Ex: Listening to stories, poems, nursery rhymes, nonsense, while occupied with a loved adult in a comforting activity, acclimatizes the infant to the rhythms of prose and poetry.
Ex: For a storyteller preparation is like rehearsal for an orchestra; there will be passages that need emphasis, and some that need a slow pace, others that need a quickened tempo, and so on = La preparación de un narrador de cuentos es como el ensayo de una orquesta; habrá pasajes que necesiten énfasis, otros un ritmo lento, otros un ritmo acelerado, etcétera.
Ex: Computers have unique attributes for individualized, effective instruction, including variable lesson pacing controlled by the patient.
* acelerar el ritmo = quicken + pace.
* a este ritmo = at this rate.
* al propio ritmo de Uno = in + Posesivo + own time, at + Posesivo + own pace.
* aprender a su propio ritmo = learn at + Posesivo + own pace.
* a su propio ritmo = at an individual pace.
* a todo ritmo = in full swing, in full force.
* a un ritmo + Adjetivo = at a + Adjetivo + rate.
* a un ritmo asombroso = at an astounding pace.
* a un ritmo rápido = at a rapid pace.
* avanzar a un ritmo vertiginoso = proceed + at a blistering pace.
* buen ritmo de aprendizaje = learning curve.
* cambiar el ritmo = change + the pace.
* de ritmo muy acelerado = hard-driving.
* habla con ritmo y rima = rap-talk.
* hablar con ritmo y rima = rap about.
* mantener el ritmo = keep + pace.
* que uno sigue a su propio ritmo = self-paced, self-guided.
* ritmo alarmante = staggering rate.
* ritmo asombroso = staggering rate.
* ritmo cardíaco = heart rate, pulse beat, pulse.
* ritmo de aumento = rate of increase.
* ritmo de desarrollo = pace of development.
* ritmo del cambio = rate of change, pace of change.
* ritmo de movimiento de mercancías = turnover rate.
* ritmo de movimiento de personal = turnover rate.
* ritmo respiratorio = breathing rate.
* ritmo vertiginoso = dizzying pace, dizzying speed, staggering rate, blistering pace.
* seguir el ritmo de Algo o Alguien = keep up with + pace.
* trabajar al propio ritmo de Uno = work at + Posesivo + own pace.